Ingemar Hellsten
Beyond The Crane took the opportunity to learn more about local photographer Ingemar Hellsten. From starting out, the need of creativity and playfulness,…
Niki Cervin
Beyond The Crane sat down for a one-to-one interview with local artist Niki Cervin. From early inspiration from Cy Twombly and graffiti to solving and understanding specific challenges in her process and facilitating that intimate relationship between the viewer and the painting.
David Neman
Beyond The Crane sat down for a one-to-one interview with local photographer David Neman. With a fascination for the odd situations in daily…
Daniel Jaghobi
Beyond The Crane sat down with Malmö based photographer Daniel Jaghobi for a discussion about his approach to work, his eureka moment and just how he…
Jonas Dahlström
Beyond The Crane caught up with award-winning photographer Jonas Dahlström for a sit-down chat about his work process, being in the moment and his new, very personal, project that involves his father who first exposed him to cameras and photography. Dahlström is based in Malmö and his first book 07:27:47 won numerous awards.
Maria E Harrysson
We sat down for a one-to-one interview with established artist Maria E Harrysson. A graduate of Konstfack, Harrysson has enjoyed a long and varied artistic career. She has exhibited solo shows all across Sweden and contributed to group shows in London and Hong-Kong.
Åsa Sjöström
Att känna vad jag ser (To feel what I see) is a short documentary film about Swedish photojournalist Åsa Sjöström. Her feelings, thoughts, and experience working as a photographer. She’s also talking about the bounds and relationships you form with the people you photograph. And about hope.
Aija Svensson
We sat down for a one-to-one discussion with Finnish photographer Aija Svensson about her work and inspirations, finding her calling again as a photographer and her plans for the future.
David Möller
We sat down for a one-to-one interview with Malmö based photographer David Möller. Working out of his studio, Möller is known for his portraits of people from many walks of life as well as maintaining his commercial portfolio. He discusses his career to date, working as a DJ in Helsingborg, where he finds his inspiration and plenty more…
Ikram Abdulkadir
Ikram Abdulkadir (24) is a talented young photographer who has built up a following on social media with her striking portraits of black women in the Muslim community. She sat down with Beyond The Crane to discuss her passion for photography, getting up close and personal with Swedish singer Seinabo Sey and what it’s like to be a photographer in her native Malmö.